21 de jun. de 2008

Origem do Alô ao atender o telefone.

Alexander Graham Bell suggested "ahoy" as the way to answer his new telephone

and operators at the first exchange did just that.

It's sometimes erroneously said - by the way - that "hello" was invented by Thomas Edison because he didn't like "ahoy".

This story has been finally scotched this week by the Oxford English Dictionary through the publication online of a revised entry for "hello", which notes evidence from the 1820s, long before the telephone was thought of.

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SILVA COSTA - Pintor, nascido em São Paulo, Brasil, em 1927. Morou e estudou no Rio de Janeiro até 1949 quando viajou para os EEUU. Estudou desenho e pintura no Institute of Mechanics and Tradesmen em Nova Iorque, mudando-se em 1950 para a California, Carmel-by-The-Sea onde trabalhou e estudou desenho e pintura. Trabalhou na Army Language School na vizinha cidade de Monterey e estudou técnicas do retrato com Warshowski. Em 1955 viajou para a Europa onde estudou, na Academie de La Grande Chaumiere, em Paris por alguns meses.