13 de fev. de 2010


A little boy got on the bus, sat next to a man reading a book and
noticed he had his collar on backwards.

The little boy asked why he wore his collar that way.

The man, who was a priest, said, " I am a Father."

The little boy replied "My Daddy doesn't wear his collar like that."

The priest looked up from his book and answered "I am the Father of

The boy said, "My Dad has 4 boys, 4 girls and two grandchildren and he
doesn't wear his collar that way."

The priest getting impatient said, "I am the Father of hundreds," and
went back to reading his book.

The little boy sat quietly ... but on leaving the bus he leaned over and
said, "Well, maybe you should wear your pants backwards instead of your

(isto já andou pelos corredores do e-mail mas achei válida a repetição)


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SILVA COSTA - Pintor, nascido em São Paulo, Brasil, em 1927. Morou e estudou no Rio de Janeiro até 1949 quando viajou para os EEUU. Estudou desenho e pintura no Institute of Mechanics and Tradesmen em Nova Iorque, mudando-se em 1950 para a California, Carmel-by-The-Sea onde trabalhou e estudou desenho e pintura. Trabalhou na Army Language School na vizinha cidade de Monterey e estudou técnicas do retrato com Warshowski. Em 1955 viajou para a Europa onde estudou, na Academie de La Grande Chaumiere, em Paris por alguns meses.